The Benefits of Getting Outside at Work: Enhancing Productivity, Creativity & Wellbeing


In today’s fast-paced work environment, many of us spend most of our day indoors, glued to our screens and surrounded by artificial lighting. However, taking time to get outside during the workday can have numerous benefits for our physical and mental well-being, as well as our productivity and creativity. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of getting outside at work and share some ideas for incorporating outdoor time into your daily routine.


Boosted Mood and Energy Levels:

One of the most immediate benefits of getting outside during the workday is the boost it provides to mood and energy levels. Exposure to natural light and fresh air can help regulate your circadian rhythm, increase serotonin levels, and reduce feelings of fatigue and lethargy. Even just a few minutes spent outdoors can leave you feeling rejuvenated and recharged, ready to tackle the tasks ahead with renewed focus and vitality.


Enhanced Productivity and Focus:

Spending time outside can also have a positive impact on productivity and cognitive function. Research has shown that exposure to natural environments can improve attention, concentration, and problem-solving skills while reducing mental fatigue and boosting creativity. Taking a short break to go for a walk outside or simply sit in a green space can help clear your mind, stimulate your senses, and enhance your ability to stay focused and engaged throughout the workday.


Stress Reduction and Relaxation:

In today’s high-stress work environments, finding ways to manage stress and promote relaxation is essential for maintaining overall well-being. Spending time outside in nature provides a welcome escape from the pressures of work, offering a peaceful sanctuary where you can unplug, unwind, and recharge. Whether it’s taking a stroll through a nearby park, meditating in a quiet garden, or practicing yoga outdoors, being in natural surroundings can help reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and foster a sense of inner peace and calm.


Encourages Physical Activity:

Incorporating outdoor time into your workday can also help promote physical activity and combat the sedentary lifestyle that is common in many office settings. Instead of sitting at your desk for hours on end, take advantage of opportunities to move your body and get active outdoors. Schedule walking meetings with colleagues, take walking breaks throughout the day or organise outdoor fitness activities such as group runs, bike rides, or yoga sessions. Not only will you reap the physical benefits of exercise, but you’ll also enjoy the mental and emotional benefits of being outside in nature.


Fosters Connection and Collaboration:

Getting outside at work can also foster connection and collaboration among colleagues, helping to strengthen relationships and build a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas during a walking meeting, sharing a picnic lunch in the sunshine, or participating in outdoor team-building activities, being in natural surroundings can provide a relaxed and informal setting for meaningful interactions and bonding experiences. By creating opportunities for connection and collaboration outdoors, you can cultivate a positive work culture and enhance overall morale and satisfaction among team members.


Ideas for Getting Outside at Work:

Incorporating outdoor time into your workday doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Here are some simple ideas for getting outside at work:

  • Take Walking Meetings: Instead of meeting in a conference room, take your meetings outside and go for a walk while discussing business matters. Walking meetings provide an opportunity to get some fresh air, stretch your legs, and stimulate your mind, all while getting work done.
  • Eat Lunch Outside: Instead of eating lunch at your desk, take your lunch break outside and enjoy a picnic in a nearby park or green space. Bring a healthy meal or snack with you and take time to savour your food while soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature.
  • Create Outdoor Workspaces: If possible, set up outdoor workspaces or designated relaxation areas where employees can go to work, recharge, or take breaks outdoors. Provide comfortable seating, shade, and Wi-Fi access to encourage employees to spend time outside during the workday.
  • Organise Outdoor Activities: Plan outdoor team-building activities, wellness workshops, or fitness classes for employees to participate in during the workday. Whether it’s a group hike, a yoga session, or a friendly game of frisbee, outdoor activities provide an opportunity for employees to connect, recharge, and have fun together.



Getting outside of work offers numerous benefits for physical and mental well-being, as well as productivity, creativity, and collaboration. By incorporating outdoor time into your daily routine and encouraging employees to spend time outside during the workday, you can create a healthier, happier, and more productive work environment for everyone. So, take a step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the many benefits of being outdoors during the workday. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it.