Facts about Water

Facts about Water

​Water is essential! in your diet. It flushes toxins out of your body (via sweat and urine), it keeps your respiratory system moist and plays a role in EVERY metabolic process in your body. On a “good day” your body by weight is at least 60 – 70% water! Roughly...
Facts About Sports Supplements

Facts About Sports Supplements

Sports supplements represent a multi-million-pound industry. Active adults and athletes are often enticed by effective supplement marketing. The promises of enhanced performance among other claims are motivating factors to purchase alternative nutrition to achieve...
Facts About Protein

Facts About Protein

Protein provides the body with approximately 10 to 15% of its dietary energy and it is the second most abundant compound in the body, following water. A large proportion of this will be muscle (43% on average) with significant proportions being present in skin (15%)...
Facts About Minerals

Facts About Minerals

Minerals are important for your body to stay healthy. Your body uses minerals for many different jobs, including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. Minerals are also important for making enzymes and hormones. The body needs many minerals;...
Facts About Fibre

Facts About Fibre

Getting enough fibre is something people don’t think about all that often. Let’s face it: Most of us haven’t a clue how many grams of fibre we’re taking in on a typical day. And guess what? We’re not even close to meeting the recommended intakes of 20-35 grams a day...