by Satzuma-Creative | Mar 31, 2022 | Health Topics, Nutrition
​Probiotics and prebiotics are both big topics in nutrition these days. Yet even though they sound similar, the two play different roles in your health. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, and prebiotics are food for these bacteria. WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS AND...
by Satzuma-Creative | Mar 31, 2022 | Health Topics, Nutrition
​The vegetarian diet has gained popularity in recent years with estimates that vegetarians now account for 18% of the global population. Apart from the ethical and environmental benefits of cutting meat from your diet, a well-planned vegetarian diet may also reduce...
by Satzuma-Creative | Mar 31, 2022 | Health Topics, Nutrition
HOW FOOD CAN AFFECT YOUR MOOD When you’re feeling down, it can be tempting to turn to food to lift your spirits. However, the sugary, high calorie treats that many people resort to have negative consequences of their own. You may wonder if there are any healthy foods...
by Satzuma-Creative | Mar 31, 2022 | Health Topics, Nutrition
​Water is essential! in your diet. It flushes toxins out of your body (via sweat and urine), it keeps your respiratory system moist and plays a role in EVERY metabolic process in your body. On a “good day” your body by weight is at least 60 – 70% water! Roughly...
by Satzuma-Creative | Mar 30, 2022 | Health Topics, Nutrition
Sports supplements represent a multi-million-pound industry. Active adults and athletes are often enticed by effective supplement marketing. The promises of enhanced performance among other claims are motivating factors to purchase alternative nutrition to achieve...
by Satzuma-Creative | Mar 30, 2022 | Health Topics, Nutrition
Protein provides the body with approximately 10 to 15% of its dietary energy and it is the second most abundant compound in the body, following water. A large proportion of this will be muscle (43% on average) with significant proportions being present in skin (15%)...
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