Reflecting on Lockdown
The last 4 months has been very difficult for business: clients, suppliers, competitors, staff and members but it has been really pleasing to see our sector come together, spending hours on video calls working out the best way to get out of lockdown safely. It’s also been brilliant to see all the online activity of operators and we do think this will have a lasting effect on the industry. We are certainly keeping our online platform and developing what we offer.
3d have also used the time to review and reflect on what we do. We have developed some new systems, tweaked existing processes and completed some other housekeeping to make sure we are in the best position to get our clubs ready to serve returning members safely and then capitalise on the post lockdown fitness boom that we are expecting! We have also updated our brand style and developed a new website going live in September.
On the 25th July we opened 50 of our commercial sites and we have already had lots of positive comments from members and we have also seen some great new sales numbers. Fingers crossed! We still have some more commercial sites to open over the coming weeks but many of our corporate clients are delaying opening until more of their workforce return.
Our team have been brilliant and are all pleased to be back to work…. so we are all set and ready to go now lockdown is over.